Moisture Meters
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Aqua-Boy KAMIII Cocoa Moisture Meter with Cup Electrode
Aqua-Boy TEM-1 Textile Moisture Meter
Caisson VI-D4 Concrete Moisture Meter
Checkline CP-425 Calibration Electrodes for TMT-425 Textile Moisture Meter
Checkline TMT-425 Digital Textile Moisture Meter
DeFelsko CMMIS16PK PosiTector CMM IS Expansion Pack, 16 Pack
DeFelsko CMMIS1PK PosiTector CMM IS Expansion Kit, 1 Pack
DeFelsko CMMIS4PK PosiTector CMM IS Expansion Pack, 4 Pack
DeFelsko CMMISKITB PosiTector CMM IS In Situ Concrete Moisture RH Meter, Basic Kit
DeFelsko CMMISKITC PosiTector CMM IS In Situ Concrete Moisture RH Meter, Complete Kit
DeFelsko CMMISKITP3-E PosiTector CMM IS In Situ Concrete Moisture RH Meter, Pro Kit
DeFelsko PosiTest CMM Check Standard Concrete
Delmhorst F-2000T Digital Moisture Meter for Tobacco
Delmhorst 1235 Electrode for Hay Moisture Meter
Delmhorst BD-10 Analog Pin-Type Moisture Meter for Building Inspection
Delmhorst BD-2100 Digital Pin-Type Moisture Meter for Building Inspection
Delmhorst BDX-20 Pin-Type Moisture Meter for Building Inspection
Delmhorst BDX-30 Pin-Type Moisture Meter for Building Inspection
Delmhorst C-2000 Digital Moisture Meter for Cotton
Delmhorst F-2000 Digital Moisture Meter for Hay
Delmhorst F-2000 HEMP Digital Moisture Meter for Hemp
Delmhorst F-2000/H Moisture Meters for Hops
Delmhorst F-6/6-30 Analog Moisture Meter for Hay
Delmhorst FX-20 Digital Moisture Meter for Hay
Delmhorst FX-2000 Digital Moisture Meter for Hay
Delmhorst FX-30 Digital Moisture Meter for Hay / Hemp / Hops / Tobacco
Delmhorst G-34 Hops Moisture Meter
Delmhorst G-7 Grain Moisture Meter
Delmhorst HT-4000F Thermo-Hygrometer
Delmhorst J-2000 Digital Pin-Type Wood Moisture Meter
Delmhorst J-4 Analog Pin-Type Wood Moisture Meter
Delmhorst J-Lite Pin-Type Wood Moisture Meter
Delmhorst JL-2000 Digital Pin-Type Leather Moisture Meter
Delmhorst KS-D1 Soil Moisture Meter
Delmhorst NAVPRO Navigator Pro 3-in-1 Moisture Meter
Delmhorst PROSCAN Pinless Wood Moisture Meter
Delmhorst PX-20 Moisture Meter for Paper
Delmhorst PX-30 Moisture Meter for Paper
Delmhorst QuickNav 3-in-1 Moisture Meter
Delmhorst RC-1E Wood Moisture Meter
Delmhorst RDM-3 Handheld Pin-Type Wood / Lumber Moisture Meter
Delmhorst TechCheck Plus Pin-Type Moisture Meter for Building Inspection
Delmhorst TM-100 Digital Thermometer TM-100W/CS
Delmhorst TotalCheck 3-in-1 Moisture Meter for Building Inspection
Hans-Schmidt DHT-3 Digital Textile Moisture Meter
Humimeter BG2 Silage Moisture Meter
Humimeter BL2 Universal Biomass Moisture Meter
Humimeter BLH Moisture Meter for Wood Shavings
Humimeter BLL Wood Chip Moisture Meter with Insertion Probe
Humimeter BLO Online Moisture Measuring System
Humimeter BLW Timber Moisture Meter
Humimeter BMA / BMA-2 Biomass Moisture Meter
Humimeter BMC Wood Chip Moisture Meter
Humimeter BP1 Wood Pellet Moisture Meter
Humimeter FS1 Compact Grain Moisture Meter
Humimeter FS2 Grain Moisture Meter
Humimeter FS3 Food / Grain Moisture Meter
Humimeter FS4 Grain, Fruit, Beans & Seeds Moisture Meter
Humimeter FS4-1 Sludge Moisture Meter
Humimeter FSG Food Moisture Meter
Humimeter HUMI-WIRELESS Wireless Data Transmission Kit for Moisture Meters
Humimeter LM6 Leather Moisture Meter
Humimeter MCT-HS Hay and Straw Moisture Meter
Humimeter RH1 Digital Relative Humidity Meter
Humimeter RH2 Relative Humidity Meter
Humimeter RH5 Paper Moisture Meter with Datalogger
Humimeter RH6 Paper Moisture Meter
Humimeter RP6 Moisture Meter for Recycled Paper
Schaller Humimeter PM5 Paper Moisture Meter
Schaller Humimeter PMP Moisture Meter for Paper
Tramex AZ8703 Digital Hygrometer
Tramex CME5 Concrete Moisture Encounter Non Destructive Moisture Meter
Tramex CMEX5 Concrete Moisture Encounter X5
Tramex CMP Concrete Moisture Probe
Tramex DSAL Dec Scanner Moisture Scanner for Roofing
Tramex HIPP Hygro-i2 Relative Humidity Probe
Tramex ME5 Moisture Encounter Non-Destructive Moisture Meter
Tramex MEX5 Moisture Encounter and Humidity Meter
Tramex MRH III Moisture and Humidity Meter
Tramex RHIE Hygro-i Electronic Interface Cable
Tramex RHIH Insulated RH Hood For Surface RH Testing
Tramex RWS Roof Moisture Meter and Wet Wall Scanner
Tramex SMM5 Skipper 5 Marine Moisture Meter for Boats
Wagner C555 Handheld Concrete Moisture Meter Kit
Wagner Meter Smart Logger Bluetooth Temperature & Humidity Data Logger
Wagner Meters Floor Sentry Wood Floor Data Logger
Wagner Orion 910 Deep Depth Pinless Wood Moisture Meter Kit
Wagner Orion 920 Shallow Depth Pinless Wood Moisture Meter Kit
Wagner Orion 930 Dual Depth Pinless Wood Moisture Meter Kit
Wagner Orion 940 Data Collection Pinless Wood Moisture Meter Kit
Wagner Orion 950 Smart Pinless Wood Moisture Meter Kit
Other Moisture Meters
Delmhorst BDX-30w/CS Pin-Type Moisture Meter for Building Inspection, Individual Instrument
Humimeter MCT-HS-PRO Hay and Straw Moisture Meter, USB Output, 8% to 60%
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testing and measurement instruments
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Pit Gauges
Coating Thickness Gauges
Wall Thickness Gauges
Magnetic Yokes
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Cap Torque Tester
Coating Thickness Gauges
Digital Force Gages
Dillon Dynamometers
Handheld Tachometers
Magnetic Yokes
Moisture Content Meters
Pit Gauges
Pull Off Adhesion Testers
Shore Durometers
Torque Testers
Torque Wrenches
Wall Thickness Gauges
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