Delmhorst FX-30 Digital Moisture Meter for Hay / Hemp / Hops / Tobacco
Delmhorst FX-30 Digital Moisture Meter for Hay / Hemp / Hops / Tobacco

Large, custom display with auto backlight easy to ready under all conditions
On-screen readings statistics High, Low, Average, Standard Deviation, Last 10
Alarm set point - alerts to user-selected MC level
Features the Delmhorst EDGE app with customizable settings and user-selectable calibrations for Hay, Hops, Hemp, Brazil Nuts, Tobacco
The Delmhorst FX-30 Digital Moisture Meter for Hay / Hemp / Hops / Tobacco is the latest in the new Navigator family of moisture meters from Delmhorst.Uniquely designed for use in the field with a dashboard-like display that is easy to read under most conditions, and large, easy to use navigation buttons. The FX-30 multi-purpose meter features the Delmhorst EDG app with customizable settings and user-selectable calibrations for Hay, Hops, Hemp, Brazil Nuts, Tobacco and Dates.Having a reliable, accurate tool to monitor moisture through each phase of the process enhances quality control and increases profits.

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